Based on the examination results, a comprehensive, efficient, low-cost, save-energy and comfortable cooling model is searched out, and more reasonable management model of the eco-restaurant is proposed. 为此,以各种降温系统进行的实验结果为基础,开发了具有综合性、高效率、低能耗、低成本和舒适性特点的降温系统,并提出了合理的运行管理方法。
Nowadays, radiation cooling is the more comfortable, energy-saving air-conditioning way, but single radiant cooling ceiling can not meet the indoor staff needs of fresh air, and the surface of radiant cooling ceiling is very easy to condensation. 辐射供冷是当今较为舒适、节能的空调方式,但单纯的冷辐射吊顶不能满足室内人员对新鲜空气的需求,且冷辐射表面容易结露。